

Day 12 - A Wish

A Wish Thank you for reading through to the 12th Day of Fearlessness. The Buddy team will be taking the next week off to celebrate the…


Day 9 - Dreaming of Ouray

During the month of December, Buddy will highlight, the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. Whether it is getting up the nerve to lace up your old…


Day 5 — Find your local outdoor gems

Like most, I’ve spent a lot more time playing close to home in 2020 than previous years. In reflecting on my adventures, what really stuck…


Afraid of Chasing Your Wildest Dreams? Just Find Another You

In August 2019, I ran the Leadville 100 in order to raise awareness and funding for Clara Inspired, a nonprofit that seeks to cure genetic…


7 Creative Ways to Stay Active at Home

We've been in quarantine for quite a few weeks now, so I'm sure many are itching quite badly to get back out there. If you're pretty active…


Day 12 — Mentorship

During the month of December, Buddy will highlight, the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. Whether it is getting up the nerve to lace up your old…


Day 11 — Community

During the month of December, Buddy will highlight, the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. Whether it is getting up the nerve to lace up your old…


Day 10 — Reflection

During the month of December, Buddy will highlight, the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. Whether it is getting up the nerve to lace up your old…


Day 9 — Surprise Guest

During the month of December, Buddy will highlight, the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. Whether it is getting up the nerve to lace up your old…


Day 8 —  Teamwork

Every year during the month of December, Buddy highlights the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. Whether it is getting up the nerve to lace up…


Day 7 —  Hitting a Wall

Every year during the month of December, Buddy highlights the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. Whether it is getting up the nerve to lace up…


Day 6  —  Fear of Mistakes

Every year during the month of December, Buddy highlights the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. Whether it is getting up the nerve to lace up…


Day 2 —  The Climb

Every year during the month of December, Buddy highlights the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. Whether it is getting up the nerve to lace up…


Day 1  —  Determination

Every year during the month of December, Buddy highlights the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. Whether it is getting up the nerve to lace up…


An Ode to Richmond's Trails

An Ode (and Partial Guide) to Richmond’s Trails What do you think of when you hear, “Richmond, Virginia?” For many, the city’s name evokes…


My $1,800 Float Trip

June 8th was a perfect day to paddle. The James River was running 6 ½ feet at the Westham Gauge, an ideal level for an average whitewater…


Hunter's Spartan Race

If Only Buddy Had Existed... You know it’s bad when the doctor winces. It was 10 PM in the receiving area of a New York City emergency room…


Written in Stone

Tom Cecil is the owner of Seneca Rock Mountain Guides which he founded in 1988 and is a Regional Education Director for The American Alpine…


The Leadville Trail 100 – Race Across the Sky

Over the weekend one of Buddy’s own, Casey Baum, raced in Leadville’s famous 100-mile trail run, aka “The Race Across the Sky”. Runners…

Why Run 100 Miles?

Casey crosses the finish line of the Leadville 100 Leadville Trail 100 Once home to miners and outlaws, Leadsville is now an outdoor…


Tired, Cold, and Dirty. Perfect!

For me, the low point came when I looked into the small bowl of garlic soup steaming in front of me. I was trekking my way to Everest Base…


Discovering the Wall: Part Two

The True Story of How Richmond's Manchester Wall was Rediscovered This is part two of a series on the Manchester Wall. If you like to start…


Discovering the Wall: Part One

The True Story of How Richmond's Manchester Wall was Rediscovered The Manchester Wall in Richmond, Virginia is a destination for climbers…


Accidents Happen... So Do Avalanches

'Before the avalanche' The story starts in Colorado. Team Buddy was in Denver and the surrounding areas to officially launch in the…


Day 11 — Failure and Redemption

During the month of December, Buddy will highlight, the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. Whether it is getting up the nerve to lace up your old…


Day 9 — Gear

During the month of December, Buddy will highlight, the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. In the spirit of generosity we are sharing our platform…


Day 8 — Experience

During the month of December, Buddy will highlight, the Twelve Days of Fearlessness. Whether it is getting up the nerve to lace up your old…


Somehow, I became a wrestling coach

Somehow, I became a wrestling coach I often look at life as a series of interconnected events. Like a crazy, nonsensical spiderweb, each…


I Didn’t Plan to Become a Runner

I didn’t plan to become a runner. I don’t think most people do. I started running for two reasons: 1. Being a pretty tightly wound person in…