Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know it’s almost February. And while we embrace the concept espoused by Amy Brachman of taking life in as it comes and abandoning arbitrary cycles, we just couldn’t help ourselves! New year resolutions can be fun! And we do like fun. So here are our resolutions. We’ll be posting updates as the year goes on, so you can hold us accountable.
- Consume less sugar. Specifically switch from daily hot-chocolate to coffee.
- Stop “finding time” for things that are important, and instead “make time” for them by cutting out crap that isn’t (less tv at night vs. more reading as an example).
- Get a new tattoo.
- Deadlift 500lbs
Shouldn't be too far off. I hit 445 before Christmas, but getting further will require discipline on my part. I'm not competing for anything and this goal is rather arbitrary, but it will keep me in a more health conscious place. If I hit it sooner than expected, I'll keep pushing the goal weight.
- Get this wedding planned.
I've been engaged since November 2017. We're not married to a traditional wedding, but it's time we stop mulling over the details and expenses and get this thing on the books. 3. Be more stoic. While I've always had a reputation of being rather calm, I know there's a lot of room for improvement. I don't want anger to ever take the wheel any longer, no matter how short the moment. I want to curb snapping back, and being angry at the many inconveniences of the world. 4. Have more fun. The best way to do this is to plan to have fun. That means booking things with friends, scheduling trail time, etc. No more of this 'when I have free time I'll do x.'
- Lead four 5.8s on gear at New River Gorge and Seneca Rocks.
Just getting into trad climbing, and the New can be a little intimidating for new leaders. I'd like to not only send a 5.8, but get comfortable with leading 5.8s in general. 2. Complete my first XC Race. I just started Mountain Biking towards the end of last year. I'd like to take it to the next level by completing my first MTB XC race - and not come in last! 3. Go surfing. I've always wanted to surf and I've only actually been once. I'd like to go surfing at least a couple of times this year.
- Stretch daily
- Piano practice with my 5-year-old daily
- Hit my savings goals
- Beat my record of 32 books in one year
- Admire sunrises
- Help more people be fearless!
- Always have an event scheduled to keep fitness on track.
- Take a real, live vacation for 2 weeks.
- Get Vogey (David) to buy a bike.
- Add a new US state to my list of visited states.
- Consciously work on creating balance in my life - personal, professional, marital, family. I have limited time and need to keep balance in order to de-stress my life.
- Continue to focus on fitness and health. As I workout five days a week already I plan to concentrate on diet. You are what you eat and drink!
- Dedicate nightly time to read more. Both novels to take me away to distant lands, historical books and books to help be grow as an individual.
- Finally, the focus on balance will need to include self reflection and examination. These are all really good and fun exercises and I'm looking forward to a great 2020!
- Drink more water
- Eat more greens
- Save more, spend less
- Find a mentor
- Expand social network
- Run Less